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The Church Growth Network, founded in 1987, provides a wide range of professional consulting services for churches. Our firm is particularly well-versed in church analysis, strategic planning, staffing, breaking size barriers, coaching of church planters, and generational change issues.

Growth Points with Dr. Mc


The Church Growth Network, founded in 1987, provides a wide range of professional consulting services for churches. Our firm is particularly well-versed in church analysis, strategic planning, staffing, breaking size barriers, coaching of church planters, and generational change issues.

Growth Points with Dr. Mc

Gary McIntosh

Strategic Focus

On Your Mark — During World War I, Winston Churchill was appointed to head Great Britain’s Ministry of Munitions, which employed over twelve thousand workers spread out in fifty departments. The Ministry wasn’t producing enough munitions to support the war effort, but Churchill quickly turned the ministry around by developing a strategic focus.

Get Set — How did Churchill invigorate the Ministry of Munitions?

  1. He identified the primary objective, which was to produce masses of guns, mountains of shells, and clouds of airplanes.

  2. He communicated the objective with courage and eloquence.

  3. He outlined his policy and proposals for faster production of munitions.

  4. He streamlined the Ministry from fifty departments to twelve.

  5. He recruited new leaders to head the departments.

  6. He eliminated excessive information by ordering all reports to be given to him on a single sheet of paper.

  7. He talked with military leaders on the front lines to get their input.

Grow — How might you use similar ideas, steps, and processes to develop a strategic focus in your church, work, or life? Churchill said, “the resources are available, the knowledge is available, the result is certain: nothing is lacking except the will.”

-Gary L. McIntosh, Ph.D.
Author of The Ten Key Roles of a Pastor

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